February 20-21-22, How I met my wife!?

20th February, 2015

Exactly a week after we first spoke to each other, exactly an hour later than a week before maybe even to the minute, our parents had organised our first face to face meeting. Sort of a see, speak & hear. The week leading up to it was more tense than I could ever imagine my life being until then! Work was not exactly cherries on the cake that particular week as I had to fire fight a critical topic on a war footing basis!

When the actual day arrived, Komal was travelling ~500km a day earlier from Mysore for this meet-up, organised conveniently in a temple located about 20 km away from home for us. The distance was anything but a talking point. At that point in time, Komal was still a college going girl who was pursuing her Masters in Psychology with vigour, something she would give up a few months later!

I never believed in physical appearances or in dressing up for the occasion (do not mix it up with being well clothed)! I was more nervous by the fact that we had to be appealing to the parents + families of the other. I am sure Komal felt a few butterflies as well. The meeting was set up for 1600hrs just as the temple was opening up for the evening, & least crowd was expected. I was in a light brown khaki chinos and a grey shirt that was let’s say not the most comfortable (could have been slightly hugging around the waistline than I usually like them to). However, that was the combination we both agreed on. I, on the other hand had no say in the opposite direction 🙃. I was happy to have a surprise.

The clock struck 16:45, & we left for the temple from home, slowly trudging along to match the agreed time for the meeting (against my usual style of driving which most of my close friends can vouch for). Athena (my 2010 Škoda Laura), the workhorse that served well past the 110,000km until the floods wrecked havoc with the transmission, was for company on this particular milestone in my life. Athena has been beside me for many of the important things I have encountered in my life, none as significant as the events on 20th, and even more so the events that unfolded a day later. A 30 minute ride for 16 km on empty roads was unheard of with me behind the wheel, and as rare as Argon (Neon you can at least see in places), and probably more nerve-wrecking!

When Athena popped finally right in front of the temple gates, I asked my folks to exit the vehicle, whilst I positioned her perfectly along the side of the road (buying me more time to settle some nerves definitely, & finishing off a soothing song). A couple of minutes later, getting out of the vehicle, & entering the temple, we had Komal’s parents already walking to greet us. My eyes, wandering along the temple premises trying to locate Komal (I am bad at recognising people, especially women. Probably thinking I was not seeing properly or recognising someone in my peripheral vision. Thankfully everyone in front of me was much older and left me no choice to misinterpret 🤣🤣).

Nervously greeted Komal’s dad and mom with a smile, and my family introduced themselves already by the time! We walked to the right towards one half of the temple where Komal’s grandparents were waiting (some more time for meet and greet). As we entered the temple, The sun being in the setting phase, and Komal was standing inside the temple right in a place where light was falling on her. I know this sounds a bit dramatic and cinematic, but this really happened and when I first saw her, my gears stopped rotating for a bit. Komal was lankier than in the photos, smiling more, and beautiful. Well, photos do not speak much do they 😊. That was the one part I had to start getting used to. We spoke a few words, but as we are in the temple, God comes before everyone and everything! So, we finished a darshan in the temple, and then came out. The families were doing more of the meet and greet stuff, which was frankly be told, boring and of least interest to me. I asked if Komal & me could have a word alone, to which we received consent. The next 10 minutes of my life were so nervous with the person I felt so comfortable with, that I had some extra buckets of sweat running down my face and palms and hands and back! Words were exchanged, some observations were made by each other, & most importantly I gave the first letter to the person who was going to be my wife in 10 weeks from then(in secret of course! Gosh!😅). Most significant remark was that, we still do not know how the families perceive each other, & we needed to wait for a little while longer to find out.

Fifteen minutes later, the meet and greet finished, and we were ready to leave. I left the temple first, citing sweat and Athena purred to life, her air-conditioner at full blast! My heart racing down even though Athena was just idling and at a silent purr! I grabbed my phone & quickly started to write something to Komal. Before I was done, my family arrived & I had to drop my pacified driving style for the normal one, as we completed the 15 km journey back in 15 odd minutes. All the nerves were relieved for the evening! Later in the evening, my parents informed me that Komal’s family was visiting us at home the following day!

21st February, 2015

Whilst the 13th & 20th marked the first time we spoke & saw each other for the first time respectively, 21st would mark the day when Athena met Komal for the first time! Me, being the road loving guy, usually travel with my car everywhere I can! The cars I have had, thanks in large to my dad, have taken me across the breadth and width of the country over the tarmac! The afternoon of 21st, when Komal’s family visited us, there was more meet and greet planned, and me being the great, voracious speaker that I am (no, I am just kidding), was scared on how much I had to speak. I had a silent exit plan though in mind! After about 30 mins, and the talk started to turn Towards me more and more, I asked if I could take Komal out for a short drive and speak with her. I had no idea of whether I’d get a positive response, but it was indeed a pleasant surprise when I did get an affirmative response. Upon approval, I stood up, Athena’s keys into my pocket & climbing down the stairs towards Athena with Komal! And then, we took our first drive together! Komal in the passenger seat for the first time with me behind the wheel!

It was near midday, yet the roads seem to always lead towards beaches in Madras! In sweltering heat, there was no chance to alight and step on the sands, but the closest you can get to the shore sitting inside the car, and having 45 minutes of time was Besant Nagar! Approximately, 15km from home, gave us 15-20 minutes on the beach! While on the twister near Raj Bhavan, we had a very intense conversation about how we felt, and continued towards Besant Nagar. Upon reaching, I parked on the otherwise empty & eerily quiet parking lot right in front of the beach! While we were parked and discussing something, I cited something in particular or I do not remember if there was a street hawker who was trying be nosy, but I just slotted Athena in reverse and Athena reversed through 200m of open parking space in a jiffy! Maybe she reached around 20 kmph in reverse or maybe a little more! And then When we stopped, the couple police arrived to taunt and whisk away the couple’s romanticising on the beach 🤣🤣. That was our cue to leave, & get back home. We discussed a few topics and my comfort level increased further with my future co-pilot!

Upon reaching, the elders were already in waiting for a bit, and a few minutes after our arrival invited our family to the home of Komal’s grandparents in Madras the following day! This gave me a good idea of things to come and the level of socialising marriage brings along with it. Although I did not socialise much, I could do this much to have Komal with me for the rest of my life!

22nd February, 2015

I will give a very brief account of what happened: Lot of meet and greet in a new environment, and an acceptance to proceed further for our engagement!

Mission accomplished; well, we were nearly there!

Nine years on, every year, the same days of the month throw something to cherish about and reminisce about with the lady who entered my life without any personal interaction, after scanning through the age old photographs, by seeing a bio I shared and can proudly post as part of any resume (yes, it looks so funny when I see it today! 🤣🤣 Well, No I am not sharing it here! It was for finding Komal, & the purpose is served!!)!! The age old processes still stand the test of time, and with a little more patience (also if you hold on for a month or maybe 11 weeks, it can transport you 9 years back), come through with lessons for improving yourself!

For, many many more years together, and to make plentiful more funny memories, Here’s to Komal 🍾😊😊😊

3 thoughts on “February 20-21-22, How I met my wife!?

  1. 🙌🙌💗💗💘. God bless you both.  I’m so happy for both of you.  Very proud of you. 💗💗💗. Cherishing the memories and love for each other is a really important thing

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