Satisfied vs Hungry – Great Expectations

As we head out to finish the first day of the new year 2024. As 2023 wound down, the final hours of what have been probably the first complete year since 2019 to be devoid of any restrictions for people movement, or interaction, it is time to step into a new year with time to pause, reflect and realise. Pause is a powerful tool and contains keys to secret chambers which you never knew existed, but always wished they had. SanKom Mind Spa wishes you and your families a very happy, and healthy start to 2024.

What is an expectation?

As per Oxford Dictionary, it is defined as “a belief that something will happen because it is likely” or “a hope that something good will happen”. Whenever we place a hope or belief that something will happen (irrespective of whether it is good or bad) without any influence of the probability of it happening. More often than not, as Oxford Dictionary captures it, we tend towards the likelihood of it happening than not. The human mind has the power to think with a higher level of positively when the outcome benefits self. However, some of us prefer to keep our hopes low- in scenarios with the belief that we do not deserve the best outcome. This is also in a way, an expectation. When someone is performing a task that has one or more outcomes that influences the activities we will take up, the human mind also interprets the situation, and predicts outcomes to prepare for. This is also a form of expectation.

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Aversion vs Diversion

“When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, and droop. Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign, is Solitude.”

William Wordsworth

Over eons passed, human civilisation has been built on one true belief as quote by the most famous theory posted by Charles Darwin: The Survival of the Fittest. Not to discredit the theory or in anyway downplay the importance of the Theory of Evolution, but, in more ways than one aligning with the goals of the theory, human kind has a huge gap being created due to our inability to evolve in a sustainable manner. In the need to stay ahead of our competition, the various thoughts entering our mind focus on being better than another person. In this quest, we often forget about ourselves, and sometimes also our immediate surroundings. With every passing moment, we keep ourselves attached to the goal of becoming quicker, and more efficient.

Since the middle ages were crossed, machines have become an intricate part of our lives slowly, and have now even convinced with the theory of assisting us in the most mundane tasks. For example, in my generation that lived in India, we never got to experience affordable cellular networks until the later part of the new millennium. Today, the kid that is born nearly has a smartphone to stay in touch as soon as they are able to walk on their own. Technology has grown, and along with it, our dependence on technology has also grown exponentially.

Let us get down to doing one of our usual exercises that we are so used to do on this channel. Seated in a calm, silent environment with eyes closed, imagine the below situation as vividly as possible and take time to imbibe the environment. Also think about the various ways you would react if you were living in the 1990s, early 2000s, and finally today.

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The College Kid – Reckless or Wreckless

One has come a long way since walking into a school environment for the first time by the moment one realizes we are quite a way into the University/College phase. The mental fluctuations one has gone through in making choices until now seem to have paid off, stability starts to appear, new avenues start to open up, confidence starts to grow with every passing moment, anger and angst seem to be unnecessary most of the time, appreciation of our actions seem to reach us effortlessly, and yet the human satiation for more drives us towards greed. Certain relationships formed for no reason during our early school life seem to hold more value now, and certain relationships that have been resurfacing seem to be more necessary than ever before to tread on. Building up of a support system is the most important aspect of this phase. “Why?”, one might ask. Simple answer: The most pressure free time after Primary school is available, and resources are lying around to be discovered and explored.

After we are through the thrills of entering university in the Transition phase, a comparatively sedate time lay ahead of one. That said, obstacles will come without warning and leave little time for a preparation, and sometimes could demand immediate actions. Redundancy planning is necessary to ensure fallbacks exist. Focus must be more towards the floor below us rather than the open skies above us.

Continue reading “The College Kid – Reckless or Wreckless”

Differences make a difference

Trust that you and your loved ones are doing well, healthy.

Let us start with a small flurry of questions that include some self-reflection, and relaxation exercises!

  • How do you feel right now?
    • Think of only the present hour and maybe a few minutes before.
  • Sit down in a quiet place where nobody is going to disturb you for some time, Start a stop-clock, Close your eyes, and think of the following:
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Fear of Change

Trust that you and your loved ones are staying healthy. There has been a long gap since the last topic on Mind Spa by SanKom. Kindly accept our apologies for the long break. Several aspects of our lives are undergoing a drastic change. Recently, SanKom moved over to a new country for work reasons, and following up with local processes, new culture, setting up things has occupied most of our time.

Imagine a colleagueC1 with whom you share a cordial relationship where respect, exchanges, support, feedback, and retrospective actions happen mutually on a regular basis. Imagine also a colleagueC2 who likes the way you are, but you do not share a cordial relationship with them. You also have several such relationships within the same organisation/mutual personal circles. During interactions with several members, you get to hear that some aspects of you need to change and could lead to an overall improvement in your character traits. Being a good listener, and a person who adheres by Smart Trust, you evaluate the feedback received, and prepare a change plan – A plan to change 🙂

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Down the drain | Brain-drain

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends. As the governments across the world ease restrictions that were brought in two years ago for containing the spread of CoVid, the world is not yet free of the infection. As we move towards the supposed fourth wave, do continue to follow safety protocols whenever possible, and maintain own discretion for masks/social distancing/hand hygiene.

Today, we try to get to analyse a part of our living space that seldom gets noticed, and yet carries so much importance.

What is the purpose of a drain?

A drain is basically serving the purpose of processing used fluids, and transferring them into a safe storage area where the toxic solution can be removed periodically. Sieves might be used to filter out bigger particles before the drain.

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Achieving vs Proclaiming

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends.

Right from childhood until the time we take up our first jobs, our educational system has focussed on being better than another person is. In short, we have been brought up to believe that we should be ahead of another person, in a competitive environment. The attitudes and beliefs implanted deep into our thought process very early in our development years. In case you have kept yourself from being influenced by this environment during your formative years, there could have been multiple events that happened in the corporate space to make you believe in them (promotions, accolades, bonus, cash rewards, certificates of appreciation, etc.). Very few individuals manage to stay away from this strong pull of power, accreditation, recognition, appreciation by others, and are content with self-appreciation, and self-satisfaction of the work they carry out.

How can this start creating a toxic work environment? Is stamping on a peer for aiding growth of self along the corporate ladder acceptable or accepted?

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Approaching Runway 09

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends.

Now, let me first explain the runway numbering system in simple terms: They are named with a two digit number across the world which represent the orientation of the runway depending on approach direction. Angles mentioned at a factor of 0.1 form the numbering.

Example: Runway 09 is a runway facing East, however, the same runway becomes 27 when approach from the East while looking West. 09 = 90° (36 stands for North facing) All angles are measured in anti-clockwise direction (remember the co-ordinate system & angular measurement system learnt in mid-school. Angles are possible in steps of 10°. Again, same runway that is 01 will become 19 depending on approach.

Now, just like the runway numbering is a globally followed standard, there are several standards for each and every aspect in this world.

Don’t we love to follow a rule until we love to break it?

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Start Meesic – Happy New Year 2022

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu all of a sudden, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families. And as we near usual party time in all cities, trust that you will have you best thinking hat on before being part of large social gathering.

Just as I mentioned party, what is an integral part of parties?




Yes, Music. Some nice foot-tapping music is key to any good party along with enjoyable company.

Now, coming to creation of music, how does a music director compose music?

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Trust that as approach the first festival wave in India near to Christmas & New Year, your dear ones along with you are staying safe. Please follow all safety precautions and keep social distancing along with Masking/Hand Hygiene at the top of your priorities.

Caution and precaution are key.

How many times have we made use of a soap?

Redundant question. Am sure all of us have made use of a soap almost every other hour in one form or another. So, what is the purpose of a soap? Have I gone mad asking these questions? Am I leading towards protecting yourselves from CoVid? No, not even close.

Continue reading “SOAP”

Time to move on

Photo by Danny Doneo from Pexels

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu for last couple of days, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families.

I would request you to ask yourselves a few crucial questions & answer it honestly. Move forward to next question only if you answer a yes to the question at hand:

  • Is facing a particular person very challenging in personal life or at work?
  • Does their presence create a negative aura around us?
  • Do we allow our mental state be affected by interacting with this person?

If your answer to the above questions were yes, yes and yes, then you need to find ways to avoid this toxic environment.

You can decide to read on or listen to the podcast:


Apple Podcasts

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Thottaal Poo Malarum – The Touch

As you start reading through our article, we trust that you are staying healthy along with your loved ones. The only way to negate the impact of the Corona virus is by vaccination. Do get yourselves vaccinated & advocate vaccination for others. And while you do all this, follow all safety protocols.

Have you faced a situation where you have felt that you once did the task better & with ease, but couldn’t execute it with the same ease?

Continue reading “Thottaal Poo Malarum – The Touch”

Cocoon or Racoon

Trust you are all staying healthy & safe. Please get vaccinated as soon as possible, as this is the only way to reduce the chances of catching this deadly disease & to reduce possibility of hospitalisation. Please follow all Standard Operating Procedures that we have been following since last March. Keep your young ones safe inside the house, & step out only if necessary.

Over the span of our entire human lives, we come across several challenges, and face various hurdles. Some of them might hamper our progress, some of them contribute towards a leap in our progress, and some of them cause us to go back in our progress charts.

Why does this happen? What causes the change in progression curve? Do you think it is the challenge itself? Think again.

Imagine going through the engineering/arts degree evaluation process in two different ways:

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Hot or Cold | Long or Short | This or That

Hello All,

Hope you are all staying safe & healthy despite all challenges that CoVid pandemic has thrown at us.

Today, I need your support to help me guide you through the concept. All you have to do is pick one of the two options given for each category below:

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Pacts vs Facts

I would like you to go into a parallel universe & start imagining below scenarios. A parallel universe where your actions do not bear any fruit, nor result in any repercussions. So, let your instincts & imaginations loose. Between each situation, you have to reset your thought process, and if possible, jot down your reactions to the situation before proceeding with the next situation.

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Mind Over Matter

All of us as children never hesitated to throw a tantrum when asking for a chocolate or cricket bat or football or a doll. When elders asked us not to cut hair/nails on Tuesdays/Fridays, we never hesitated to ask why it is like that.

When our teachers showed us a video of a rhyme we liked, we never hesitated to ask for it to be played again.

When we saw others cry, we never used to stop ourselves from asking why is that person crying.

Strange enough, when the same situation arises once we grow older, do we ask the same questions? No.

Do we gain some supernatural power of reasoning as we age? No.

What changes between childhood and adulthood? What absorbs this ability to reason/question and to do things as they please ourselves?

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