FeedbackCulture: When can you give Feedback?


As part of the goal setting environment, feedback becomes paramount and integral part of the system! In this video we take a look at the third question : When can one give feedback? Is Open Feedback simple & straightforward as it sounds?

#leadership #feedback #feedbackculture #goalsetting #careeradvice

FeedbackCulture When can you give Feedback?

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Aversion vs Diversion

“When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, and droop. Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign, is Solitude.”

William Wordsworth

Over eons passed, human civilisation has been built on one true belief as quote by the most famous theory posted by Charles Darwin: The Survival of the Fittest. Not to discredit the theory or in anyway downplay the importance of the Theory of Evolution, but, in more ways than one aligning with the goals of the theory, human kind has a huge gap being created due to our inability to evolve in a sustainable manner. In the need to stay ahead of our competition, the various thoughts entering our mind focus on being better than another person. In this quest, we often forget about ourselves, and sometimes also our immediate surroundings. With every passing moment, we keep ourselves attached to the goal of becoming quicker, and more efficient.

Since the middle ages were crossed, machines have become an intricate part of our lives slowly, and have now even convinced with the theory of assisting us in the most mundane tasks. For example, in my generation that lived in India, we never got to experience affordable cellular networks until the later part of the new millennium. Today, the kid that is born nearly has a smartphone to stay in touch as soon as they are able to walk on their own. Technology has grown, and along with it, our dependence on technology has also grown exponentially.

Let us get down to doing one of our usual exercises that we are so used to do on this channel. Seated in a calm, silent environment with eyes closed, imagine the below situation as vividly as possible and take time to imbibe the environment. Also think about the various ways you would react if you were living in the 1990s, early 2000s, and finally today.

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Differences make a difference

Trust that you and your loved ones are doing well, healthy.

Let us start with a small flurry of questions that include some self-reflection, and relaxation exercises!

  • How do you feel right now?
    • Think of only the present hour and maybe a few minutes before.
  • Sit down in a quiet place where nobody is going to disturb you for some time, Start a stop-clock, Close your eyes, and think of the following:
Continue reading “Differences make a difference”

Music, Lyrics, Voice – Symphony

Trust that you are staying healthy and safe. Please continue to follow all safety protocols.

Music industry is a huge industry with lot of contributors. There are music composers, lyricists, instrument specialists, sound engineers, etc.

Imagine walking back from work or driving back from work, along the way the soundtrack from a loudspeaker nearby makes you stop in your tracks. What made you stop?



The voice?

Continue reading “Music, Lyrics, Voice – Symphony”

Simple Lessons from Tom & Jerry

Trust that all of you are staying healthy and safe along with your loved ones. Please exercise caution, and precaution amidst growing concerns of CoVid as well as a new MonkeyPox virus.

How many of us have grown up watching Tom & Jerry?

Almost all of us in some capacity, I would hope. I request you to just recollect some favourite episodes, moments, comical scenes from the show.

What can we learn from a cartoon originally made for kids?

Continue reading “Simple Lessons from Tom & Jerry”

Down the drain | Brain-drain

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends. As the governments across the world ease restrictions that were brought in two years ago for containing the spread of CoVid, the world is not yet free of the infection. As we move towards the supposed fourth wave, do continue to follow safety protocols whenever possible, and maintain own discretion for masks/social distancing/hand hygiene.

Today, we try to get to analyse a part of our living space that seldom gets noticed, and yet carries so much importance.

What is the purpose of a drain?

A drain is basically serving the purpose of processing used fluids, and transferring them into a safe storage area where the toxic solution can be removed periodically. Sieves might be used to filter out bigger particles before the drain.

Continue reading “Down the drain | Brain-drain”

Going over & Beyond

Trust that you are staying healthy along with your near and dear ones. The pandemic seems to be invading lives that were following all protocols for majority of the last two years, and just started to drop guard. Please stay vigilant for your safety as well as safety of everyone around you.

The title, as rewarding and intriguing as it might read, has lot to it between the words. One common question that comes up with every professional at work:

What is one’s basic responsibility?

Continue reading “Going over & Beyond”

Fly High, Fly Low

Trust that your family, friends, near-dear, and you are staying healthy amidst this growing virus threats that seem to be never-ending. Let us all follow all safety precautions with utmost sincerity & increase the chances of staying healthy.

How many of us have gazed at the open sky and seen hawks/eagles soaring high up in the sky?

I assume the majority of us have done it. So, what does a hawk or eagle have to do with today’s concept?

A lot, and along with two of SanKom Mind Spa’s earlier articles on Zoom-in, Zoom-out, Focus…. & Comfortable Challenge & Maintenance make the case quite strong. Let me start to break it down into smaller segments for better understanding.

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Start Meesic – Happy New Year 2022

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu all of a sudden, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families. And as we near usual party time in all cities, trust that you will have you best thinking hat on before being part of large social gathering.

Just as I mentioned party, what is an integral part of parties?




Yes, Music. Some nice foot-tapping music is key to any good party along with enjoyable company.

Now, coming to creation of music, how does a music director compose music?

Continue reading “Start Meesic – Happy New Year 2022”

Row Row Row A Boat

As we move towards the end of the year, and try to look back at our achievements, something that we often miss out is the contribution of our team members.

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Time to move on

Photo by Danny Doneo from Pexels

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu for last couple of days, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families.

I would request you to ask yourselves a few crucial questions & answer it honestly. Move forward to next question only if you answer a yes to the question at hand:

  • Is facing a particular person very challenging in personal life or at work?
  • Does their presence create a negative aura around us?
  • Do we allow our mental state be affected by interacting with this person?

If your answer to the above questions were yes, yes and yes, then you need to find ways to avoid this toxic environment.

You can decide to read on or listen to the podcast:


Apple Podcasts

Continue reading “Time to move on”

e=mc^2 – Relatively nothing about Einstein

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. A lot is going on in India, with Dussehra happening, and coming to a conclusion before we head frantically into the grandest festival across India, Deepavali in a couple of weeks from now. Do continue to practice all safety protocols, along with personal judgement over participation in huge gatherings.

Let us consider a small event that happens in everyone’s lives, albeit some of us notice it, and others do not. Imagine you are preparing a cup of coffee/tea/drink for yourself/someone, and take a scoop of sugar in a spoon. Are you sure that all the grains of sugar you picked on the spoon are transferred onto your cup? Not even spilling a grain, every single time? A small grain of sugar falling on the floor is not visible to the human eye on first sight. However, the same grain is immediately pounced upon within few seconds by one of the smallest yet most disciplined creatures living on planet earth – ants.

What makes the grain of sugar not visible to us, the so called, superior beings pacing along the face of the planet?

Continue reading “e=mc^2 – Relatively nothing about Einstein”

Ganapati Bappa Moriya – Leadership lessons from Lord Ganesha

Hope that you are staying healthy & safe, and have got vaccinated against the Corona Virus.

Today, as we slowly try to regain consciousness after a lazy, yummy, sumptuous food filled Ganesh/Vinayagar Chaturthi, we try to gather some lessons we could learn out of Lord Ganesha.

Continue reading “Ganapati Bappa Moriya – Leadership lessons from Lord Ganesha”


How many of you know what a Trapeze is?

Have you watched the Uneven bars competition during the Olympics/Commonwealth games?

Wondering why am I bringing the Trapeze and a gymnastic event into my weekly article?

For everything, there is a purpose.

Continue reading “Trapeze”

Hot or Cold | Long or Short | This or That

Hello All,

Hope you are all staying safe & healthy despite all challenges that CoVid pandemic has thrown at us.

Today, I need your support to help me guide you through the concept. All you have to do is pick one of the two options given for each category below:

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Pacts vs Facts

I would like you to go into a parallel universe & start imagining below scenarios. A parallel universe where your actions do not bear any fruit, nor result in any repercussions. So, let your instincts & imaginations loose. Between each situation, you have to reset your thought process, and if possible, jot down your reactions to the situation before proceeding with the next situation.

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Mind Over Matter

All of us as children never hesitated to throw a tantrum when asking for a chocolate or cricket bat or football or a doll. When elders asked us not to cut hair/nails on Tuesdays/Fridays, we never hesitated to ask why it is like that.

When our teachers showed us a video of a rhyme we liked, we never hesitated to ask for it to be played again.

When we saw others cry, we never used to stop ourselves from asking why is that person crying.

Strange enough, when the same situation arises once we grow older, do we ask the same questions? No.

Do we gain some supernatural power of reasoning as we age? No.

What changes between childhood and adulthood? What absorbs this ability to reason/question and to do things as they please ourselves?

Continue reading “Mind Over Matter”

Yes versus No

Hope that you are all staying safe & healthy along with your dear ones during this time of growing crisis around us. Please do not venture outside your house without an absolute need to do so. Do not entertain unnecessary guests at home. Stay masked at all times while going outside the confines of your house.

How many times do we force ourselves into executing a task we do not like?

How often do we feel overburdened in the middle of something we love?

How often do we feel demotivated at the end of a task?

Continue reading “Yes versus No”

World of Good or Deal of Bad

After an unsuccessful encounter with a challenge, how often have we ended up cribbing about the influencing factors? Imagine we continuously face failures or arrogant people keep crossing our paths or we keep finishing last (mind you, this is not considered a failure). Would we generalize our “luck” as bad? On the other hand, would we stop trying because we faced a few not so positive results? Alternatively, would we just stick up, & keep trying?

Continue reading “World of Good or Deal of Bad”