Aspiring Performers- Flying in the radar

Welcome to Mind Spa by SanKom.

As we head into our third episode of the career development topic which focusses on Aspiring performers.

In our last episode we focussed on the high performers who like to fly low and those that like to fly in the radar.

So, you might ask: What is the difference between a high performer and an aspiring performer?

I should admit that this is a tricky question to answer.

Although there could be several possible definitions, and explanations, as always we will try to do it from our point of view.

aspirants #aspiringperformers #goalsetting #leadership #feedback #careeradvice #impactful #performance #motivation

Aspiring Performers- Flying in the radar


High Performers – Flying under the radar

Greetings from Mind Spa by SanKom.

Have a great start to the working week.

As we head into our second episode of the career development topic which focusses on High Performing individuals, we try to take a balanced view from both the individual as well as the onlooker.

#Individuals #Scientists #FutureLeaders #Mentorship #Spotters #Leadership


Longevity – How to reinvent yourself

Welcome to Mind Spa by San Kom. As we embark on another series of topics that border around the career development topic, we thank you for your patronage and support since 2020.

The first topic in this series focusses upon Longevity, and the need to reinvent yourself. Many of us wish to stay in a job for a prolonged period, but seldom get the chance to challenge ourselves after a few years. One of the major reasons we get bored is due to the redundancy of the job. Another typical reason is due to the lack of continuous growth opportunities.

I usually tell the following to anyone who newly joins our team, “Make sure you have your fundamental blocks solid, so that your foundation is rock-solid. Everything that you wish to build on top of it will only be as good as the foundation. Do not forget or be afraid to make mistakes and learn new things. You learn quicker by making mistakes than from reading or word of the mouth. But make sure you share your learnings or approaches with everyone so that everyone can learn.”

Keeping an open mind to new avenues is always a critical part of working in a modern-day organization. When you start, everything that you do is new to you, and your contributions are also unique and new to everyone who is affected by them. As you stay longer in an organization, people get used to your style of working, and with the outputs you are going to deliver. And along with this comes increased expectation from you to do something new. When you start to earn more, whether you like it or not, the organization expects you to deliver more and more. Although the essence of ulterior living and the superior human being is based on living without expectations, the eco-system of businesses are built on exactly the opposite.

So, what can you do to stay relevant?

The least that you can do is to stay open to learning new things. By staying open-minded, you allow for passive learning to be part of your career, and time within an organization. The second initiative that is required from you is to take active learning up. By active learning, you look for learning opportunities that align with your interests and complement your skills. Ideally, these learning opportunities must aid you in your everyday work and help you in reaching the next level at the workplace. Opportunities may not necessarily arise within your working time, and at first, you might have to make the extra work, outside of work. I should say that the difference between those who grow sustainably and in spurts is mostly in the area of self-initiative. Take help in identifying these areas along with your mentor or team leader. Ideally, one should be able to identify these from the feedback sessions. Do revisit our Feedback series for more on this.

Once you start to learn new concepts, and come across new ideas, identify areas to put them into everyday use. A ship that stays in the shipyard can never become the queen of the seas. Only when you put the skills you learnt into practice, will you learn how you need to adapt them to suit a practical situation. Believe it or not, most ideas and concepts that look good on paper, do not work as they are scripted. They are similar to a puzzle that can be solved several ways depending on where you start to how you go on with the pieces. Devise a tailor-made solution for your situation based on your style. Otherwise, it seldom works.

Once you start combining active and passive learning in amicable quantities throughout every year consistently, then the longevity key is automatically activated, and one can start noticing the benefits of staying in a renewed zone that triggers growth. Although I should warn, do not expect overnight changes in perceptions and reactions. Everything takes time, persistence, and most importantly patience. Reinvention, and longevity is about a marathon, and not a bunch of 100m sprints put together. Keep reinventing yourself in small steps and keep the entertainment alive, whilst reaping rewards. And on that note, thank you for reading through. Please leave your feedback in the comments section. Stay healthy, safe, and motivated.

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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FeedbackCulture: When can you give Feedback?


As part of the goal setting environment, feedback becomes paramount and integral part of the system! In this video we take a look at the third question : When can one give feedback? Is Open Feedback simple & straightforward as it sounds?

#leadership #feedback #feedbackculture #goalsetting #careeradvice

FeedbackCulture When can you give Feedback?

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Goal Setting : Best Practices for a Team Leader


Mind Spa by SanKom tries to decode the best practices while doing a goal setting! We try to provide an unbiased opinion on how to go about this critical activity in a professional environment and a professional manner!

In this video we focus on the Team Leader’s point of view!

impactful #goalsetting #appraisals #team #goals

Goal Setting : Best Practices for a Team Leader


Goal Setting – Employee’s Point of View


Mind Spa by SanKom tries to decode the best practices while doing a goal setting! We try to provide an unbiased opinion on how to go about this critical activity in a professional environment and a professional manner!

#impactful #goalsetting #appraisals #team #goals

Goal setting – Best Practices for an Employee/Team Member

Mind Spa by SanKom

Are bad leaders born or made?

SanKom Mind Spa looks to answer one of the topics raised from the Breaking Leadership Myths series: Are bad leaders born or made?

We try to answer the topic as best we can!

Do subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Are bad leaders born or made?

leadership #badleaders #myths #leadershipdevelopment #inspiration

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Breaking Leadership Myths: Myth#7 / 7: Leading a young, inexperienced team is difficult

Breaking Leadership Myths in 2 mins

Myth#7 / 7: Leading a young, inexperienced team is difficult

#leadership #myths

Do leave your feedback/comments, & do subscribe to our YouTube Channel

Breaking Leadership Myths in 2 mins! Myth#5: Leadership requires a title

Breaking Leadership Myths in 2 mins! Myth#5: Leadership requires a title #Leadership #Myths

Do leave your feedback/comments, & do subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Leadership Myth#1

Breaking Leadership Myth#1 – Handheld guidance!

Leadership Myth#1

Leadership #Myths #LeadershipMyths #SanKomMindSpa

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Idly, Dosai, Uthappam; Vadai, Bonda; Rava Upma, Rava Idly : Talent Identification, and Development

Mind Spa by SanKom has been on a long hiatus thanks to a period of self-reflection that included lot of inputs for self-improvement, and a journey towards being better than yesterday. Upon staying away for a long period, clearly, there is only one conclusion, everyone who has a everyday routine must take a break, detach from the routine, introspect for avenues to improve, and then rejoin the journey with a vision to keep improving. A monotonous routine never made anyone better.

Hope that everyone has stayed healthy in the time that SanKom has been away. If you are reading this on LinkedIn Newsletter, this would be the first article posted through the Newsletter. Please feel free to visit my LinkedIn profile page to read previous articles posted between March 2020 and August 2021 or visit our blog to read articles posted since August 2021. Do subscribe to the LinkedIn Newsletter or the Blog depending on your preferred mode of reading.

If you could pick only one of the options defined on the list, what would you choose:

  • Idly or Dosai
  • Dosai or Uthappam/Oothappam
  • Vadai or Mysore Bonda
  • Rava Upma or Rava Idly
Continue reading “Idly, Dosai, Uthappam; Vadai, Bonda; Rava Upma, Rava Idly : Talent Identification, and Development”