High School Teen who is aware but not afraid of taking a risk

Middle school, as we saw in the previous section is always a very interesting phase of everyone’s life. A phase that has no clear influence on the heading, but definitely paves some way into basic skills and character traits that form one’s foundations for later phases of life. You can read more about that through the link: Middle School

When a student passes out of middle school and is about to enter High-school, the nerves are slightly tickled for a couple of reasons at the least. Firstly, a growing sense of finally being a senior at school, and no longer take instructions from other students. Secondly, the overwhelming nature of the responsibilities the society puts on every individual’s performance in high-school. We often hear people saying that high-school marks will define how good a college life one can get. Enough of a rosy picture for every student to fall for. However, I think the age of elders fooling a young student in school with this quip has long passed by, and the ball is now in their court, thanks to the advancements in WWW (almost no longer www but www3 😯), and advent of Social Media in day to day lives. Not every student though is oblivious to social pressure, which is why great care must be taken to isolate the kid from any such pressure. Parents trying to isolate kids often fall into this trap themselves thanks to incentives for good performance of kids in their organisations, and events to award stand-out performances in front of other colleagues – A so called Status Symbol within the organisation.

A Unique Phase

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