Aspiring Performers- Flying in the radar

Welcome to Mind Spa by SanKom.

As we head into our third episode of the career development topic which focusses on Aspiring performers.

In our last episode we focussed on the high performers who like to fly low and those that like to fly in the radar.

So, you might ask: What is the difference between a high performer and an aspiring performer?

I should admit that this is a tricky question to answer.

Although there could be several possible definitions, and explanations, as always we will try to do it from our point of view.

aspirants #aspiringperformers #goalsetting #leadership #feedback #careeradvice #impactful #performance #motivation

Aspiring Performers- Flying in the radar


FeedbackCulture: When can you give Feedback?


As part of the goal setting environment, feedback becomes paramount and integral part of the system! In this video we take a look at the third question : When can one give feedback? Is Open Feedback simple & straightforward as it sounds?

#leadership #feedback #feedbackculture #goalsetting #careeradvice

FeedbackCulture When can you give Feedback?

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Goal Setting : Best Practices for a Team Leader


Mind Spa by SanKom tries to decode the best practices while doing a goal setting! We try to provide an unbiased opinion on how to go about this critical activity in a professional environment and a professional manner!

In this video we focus on the Team Leader’s point of view!

impactful #goalsetting #appraisals #team #goals

Goal Setting : Best Practices for a Team Leader


Are bad leaders born or made?

SanKom Mind Spa looks to answer one of the topics raised from the Breaking Leadership Myths series: Are bad leaders born or made?

We try to answer the topic as best we can!

Do subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Are bad leaders born or made?

leadership #badleaders #myths #leadershipdevelopment #inspiration

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Breaking Leadership Myth#6: Employee growth jeopardises leader’s growth/position

Good Morning.

Breaking Leadership Myths in 2 mins!

Myth#6: Employee growth jeopardises leader’s growth #leadership

Do leave your feedback/comments, & do subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

Leadership Myth#1

Breaking Leadership Myth#1 – Handheld guidance!

Leadership Myth#1

Leadership #Myths #LeadershipMyths #SanKomMindSpa

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Idly, Dosai, Uthappam; Vadai, Bonda; Rava Upma, Rava Idly : Talent Identification, and Development

Mind Spa by SanKom has been on a long hiatus thanks to a period of self-reflection that included lot of inputs for self-improvement, and a journey towards being better than yesterday. Upon staying away for a long period, clearly, there is only one conclusion, everyone who has a everyday routine must take a break, detach from the routine, introspect for avenues to improve, and then rejoin the journey with a vision to keep improving. A monotonous routine never made anyone better.

Hope that everyone has stayed healthy in the time that SanKom has been away. If you are reading this on LinkedIn Newsletter, this would be the first article posted through the Newsletter. Please feel free to visit my LinkedIn profile page to read previous articles posted between March 2020 and August 2021 or visit our blog to read articles posted since August 2021. Do subscribe to the LinkedIn Newsletter or the Blog depending on your preferred mode of reading.

If you could pick only one of the options defined on the list, what would you choose:

  • Idly or Dosai
  • Dosai or Uthappam/Oothappam
  • Vadai or Mysore Bonda
  • Rava Upma or Rava Idly
Continue reading “Idly, Dosai, Uthappam; Vadai, Bonda; Rava Upma, Rava Idly : Talent Identification, and Development”

Time to move on

Photo by Danny Doneo from Pexels

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu for last couple of days, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families.

I would request you to ask yourselves a few crucial questions & answer it honestly. Move forward to next question only if you answer a yes to the question at hand:

  • Is facing a particular person very challenging in personal life or at work?
  • Does their presence create a negative aura around us?
  • Do we allow our mental state be affected by interacting with this person?

If your answer to the above questions were yes, yes and yes, then you need to find ways to avoid this toxic environment.

You can decide to read on or listen to the podcast:


Apple Podcasts

Continue reading “Time to move on”

Thevar Magan to Nallavanukku Nallavan, Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather to George Lucas’ Star Wars – Leadership and Succession Planning

As you start reading through our article, we trust that you are staying healthy along with your loved ones. The only way to negate the impact of the Corona virus is by vaccination. Do get yourselves vaccinated & advocate vaccination for others.

The title of this article was initially positioned between two Tamizh films that make for great lessons on Leadership, servant leadership, getting your hands dirty being a leader, Succession planning, & many more leadership principles/traits. Yes, they might have some flaws & hints of heroism infused in them, but the message always lies in the eyes/ears/hands of the beholder. As I started to think more on the concept, there were several instances across different films in various languages that made a compelling reason to think that feature films are an excellent way to reflect on leadership principles & how to make use of them. I have quoted four films that come to my mind at the first instance when I started to write on this topic, & stuck with it.

Continue reading “Thevar Magan to Nallavanukku Nallavan, Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather to George Lucas’ Star Wars – Leadership and Succession Planning”

Procreate Smart Trust

Hello All,

Trust you are all staying healthy & safe. Please get vaccinated as soon as possible, as this is the only way to reduce the chances of catching this deadly disease & to reduce possibility of hospitalisation. Please follow all Standard Operating Procedures that we have been following since last March. Keep your young ones safe inside the house, & step out only if necessary.

Imagine you are traversing across a river on a 3’ wide rope bridge and completed 60% of the distance. You have two travellers walking ahead of you & one family member who is a few footsteps behind you. Suddenly, there is a gush of wind, and all of you seek support of the rails made of rope to steady yourselves before trudging forward. At the time you start to release the ropes from your grasp, your family member loses their footing and starts to fumble while screaming in fear. You are a novice trekker, and have no idea regarding the travellers ahead of you. What would you do in this situation?


Continue reading “Procreate Smart Trust”