Music, Lyrics, Voice – Symphony

Trust that you are staying healthy and safe. Please continue to follow all safety protocols.

Music industry is a huge industry with lot of contributors. There are music composers, lyricists, instrument specialists, sound engineers, etc.

Imagine walking back from work or driving back from work, along the way the soundtrack from a loudspeaker nearby makes you stop in your tracks. What made you stop?



The voice?

Continue reading “Music, Lyrics, Voice – Symphony”

Be lead

Trust that you are keeping well amidst the growing case loads from CoVid and MonkeyPox. Please exercise extreme caution while heading out of your house and socialise. Kindly follow all safety protocols in public places for the wellness of your family, yourself and also other public.

Whilst we were young and in school, we always had class leaders/monitors who took the responsibility of maintaining order whilst the teacher was away due to personal or official reasons. Now, was it easy to be a class leader/monitor?

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Simple Lessons from Tom & Jerry

Trust that all of you are staying healthy and safe along with your loved ones. Please exercise caution, and precaution amidst growing concerns of CoVid as well as a new MonkeyPox virus.

How many of us have grown up watching Tom & Jerry?

Almost all of us in some capacity, I would hope. I request you to just recollect some favourite episodes, moments, comical scenes from the show.

What can we learn from a cartoon originally made for kids?

Continue reading “Simple Lessons from Tom & Jerry”

Sir Nearly Headless Nick

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends. As the governments across the world ease restrictions that were brought in two years ago for containing the spread of CoVid, the world is not yet free of the infection. As we move towards the supposed fourth wave, do continue to follow safety protocols whenever possible, and maintain own discretion for masks/social distancing/hand hygiene.

In case you have read the Harry Potter series, or followed the film series, you might have seen a peculiar character called Sir Nearly Headless Nick who appears at most inappropriate times/places in the film (the entry at a dinner table when the ghost awkwardly “almost” removes the head to explain why he is named so). Last time, we saw the analogy about the headless chicken and arrived at how a vector approach helps aligning one towards one’s goals, and review their actual position/flight path with respect to the targeted/expected position. Today, we stick the emphasis further on staying farther away from the headless chicken in order to stay relevant, and make others stay relevant.

Is the flat, no-hierarchy structure good for an organisation?

Continue reading “Sir Nearly Headless Nick”

Going over & Beyond

Trust that you are staying healthy along with your near and dear ones. The pandemic seems to be invading lives that were following all protocols for majority of the last two years, and just started to drop guard. Please stay vigilant for your safety as well as safety of everyone around you.

The title, as rewarding and intriguing as it might read, has lot to it between the words. One common question that comes up with every professional at work:

What is one’s basic responsibility?

Continue reading “Going over & Beyond”


Trust that as approach the first festival wave in India near to Christmas & New Year, your dear ones along with you are staying safe. Please follow all safety precautions and keep social distancing along with Masking/Hand Hygiene at the top of your priorities.

Caution and precaution are key.

How many times have we made use of a soap?

Redundant question. Am sure all of us have made use of a soap almost every other hour in one form or another. So, what is the purpose of a soap? Have I gone mad asking these questions? Am I leading towards protecting yourselves from CoVid? No, not even close.

Continue reading “SOAP”

Row Row Row A Boat

As we move towards the end of the year, and try to look back at our achievements, something that we often miss out is the contribution of our team members.

Continue reading “Row Row Row A Boat”

Time to move on

Photo by Danny Doneo from Pexels

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu for last couple of days, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families.

I would request you to ask yourselves a few crucial questions & answer it honestly. Move forward to next question only if you answer a yes to the question at hand:

  • Is facing a particular person very challenging in personal life or at work?
  • Does their presence create a negative aura around us?
  • Do we allow our mental state be affected by interacting with this person?

If your answer to the above questions were yes, yes and yes, then you need to find ways to avoid this toxic environment.

You can decide to read on or listen to the podcast:


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Up-Rising Others

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. A lot is going on in India, with Dussehra just concluding and frantic head wind into the grandest festival across India, Deepavali just a weekend away. With last year’s celebrations damped due to CoVid, & already with 70% of nation vaccinated at least once, & 30%+ fully vaccinated, people are more confident in their social engagement activities. However, it is not yet time to let down our guard. Do continue to practice all safety protocols, along with personal judgement over participation in huge gatherings.

In the modern-day working environment, several periodic events occur in each of our lives. Starting with team meetings, Town hall meetings, Launch events, leadership forums/conferences, technical conferences, internal communication meetings, etc. Although each of these involve several stakeholders that participate physically (virtually of late), simultaneously and contribute to the magnitude of success for the event itself, one such periodic event involves only two people physically present in the discussion.

Any guesses on what I am trying to narrow down to?

If you would prefer to proceed with the Podcast of the post, please open below link:

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Thevar Magan to Nallavanukku Nallavan, Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather to George Lucas’ Star Wars – Leadership and Succession Planning

As you start reading through our article, we trust that you are staying healthy along with your loved ones. The only way to negate the impact of the Corona virus is by vaccination. Do get yourselves vaccinated & advocate vaccination for others.

The title of this article was initially positioned between two Tamizh films that make for great lessons on Leadership, servant leadership, getting your hands dirty being a leader, Succession planning, & many more leadership principles/traits. Yes, they might have some flaws & hints of heroism infused in them, but the message always lies in the eyes/ears/hands of the beholder. As I started to think more on the concept, there were several instances across different films in various languages that made a compelling reason to think that feature films are an excellent way to reflect on leadership principles & how to make use of them. I have quoted four films that come to my mind at the first instance when I started to write on this topic, & stuck with it.

Continue reading “Thevar Magan to Nallavanukku Nallavan, Francis Ford Coppola’s Godfather to George Lucas’ Star Wars – Leadership and Succession Planning”

Ganapati Bappa Moriya – Leadership lessons from Lord Ganesha

Hope that you are staying healthy & safe, and have got vaccinated against the Corona Virus.

Today, as we slowly try to regain consciousness after a lazy, yummy, sumptuous food filled Ganesh/Vinayagar Chaturthi, we try to gather some lessons we could learn out of Lord Ganesha.

Continue reading “Ganapati Bappa Moriya – Leadership lessons from Lord Ganesha”

Procreate Smart Trust

Hello All,

Trust you are all staying healthy & safe. Please get vaccinated as soon as possible, as this is the only way to reduce the chances of catching this deadly disease & to reduce possibility of hospitalisation. Please follow all Standard Operating Procedures that we have been following since last March. Keep your young ones safe inside the house, & step out only if necessary.

Imagine you are traversing across a river on a 3’ wide rope bridge and completed 60% of the distance. You have two travellers walking ahead of you & one family member who is a few footsteps behind you. Suddenly, there is a gush of wind, and all of you seek support of the rails made of rope to steady yourselves before trudging forward. At the time you start to release the ropes from your grasp, your family member loses their footing and starts to fumble while screaming in fear. You are a novice trekker, and have no idea regarding the travellers ahead of you. What would you do in this situation?


Continue reading “Procreate Smart Trust”

Serve Her / Serve His

Trust you are all staying healthy & safe. Please get vaccinated as soon as possible, as this is the only way to reduce the chances of catching this deadly disease & to reduce possibility of hospitalisation. Please follow all Standard Operating Procedures that we have been following since last March. Keep your young ones safe inside the house, & step out only if necessary.

Some of you might think that this is an incomplete subject line for this week’s mail, and that I might have sent it out in a hurry. Answer is no, and that it is an absolute intentional title for this week’s mail.

Have you heard of the term “Phonetics”?

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies how humans produce and perceive sounds, or in the case of sign languages, the equivalent aspects of sign.

Humans generally understand through perception & perspectives. We saw more on this in one of our earlier articles. So, can you distinguish someone uttering the words “here” and “hear”? Both sound very similar to each other. Words that sound similar & rhyme with one another are Homophones.

Patience. I am getting to the subject. 😀😀😀

Continue reading “Serve Her / Serve His”