High Performers – Flying under the radar

Greetings from Mind Spa by SanKom.

Have a great start to the working week.

As we head into our second episode of the career development topic which focusses on High Performing individuals, we try to take a balanced view from both the individual as well as the onlooker.

#Individuals #Scientists #FutureLeaders #Mentorship #Spotters #Leadership


Goal Setting – Employee’s Point of View


Mind Spa by SanKom tries to decode the best practices while doing a goal setting! We try to provide an unbiased opinion on how to go about this critical activity in a professional environment and a professional manner!

#impactful #goalsetting #appraisals #team #goals

Goal setting – Best Practices for an Employee/Team Member

Mind Spa by SanKom

Satisfied vs Hungry – Great Expectations

As we head out to finish the first day of the new year 2024. As 2023 wound down, the final hours of what have been probably the first complete year since 2019 to be devoid of any restrictions for people movement, or interaction, it is time to step into a new year with time to pause, reflect and realise. Pause is a powerful tool and contains keys to secret chambers which you never knew existed, but always wished they had. SanKom Mind Spa wishes you and your families a very happy, and healthy start to 2024.

What is an expectation?

As per Oxford Dictionary, it is defined as “a belief that something will happen because it is likely” or “a hope that something good will happen”. Whenever we place a hope or belief that something will happen (irrespective of whether it is good or bad) without any influence of the probability of it happening. More often than not, as Oxford Dictionary captures it, we tend towards the likelihood of it happening than not. The human mind has the power to think with a higher level of positively when the outcome benefits self. However, some of us prefer to keep our hopes low- in scenarios with the belief that we do not deserve the best outcome. This is also in a way, an expectation. When someone is performing a task that has one or more outcomes that influences the activities we will take up, the human mind also interprets the situation, and predicts outcomes to prepare for. This is also a form of expectation.

Continue reading “Satisfied vs Hungry – Great Expectations”

Memorising vs Understanding

“Repetition is the mother of learning, the father of action, which makes it the architect of accomplishment.”

Zig Ziglar

Right from the time we started to go to the kindergarten, emphasis has always been on giving the answers to questions during our examinations. In the process to gather more positive feedback (read as marks) from the teacher as well as our parents, we resort to a method of repeating what was taught to us. Unfortunately, while repeating, the human mind got trained to do it verbatim and not as it is understood. The second kind of students could rightly summarise in my their words, what was meant to be communicated. I belonged to the latter category always.

In the process of memorising things, we forget to imbibe the main intention of a Law or a Theorem or a rule, and instead embed them as mere combination of words. Up until today, for me Newton’s third law is about the reaction being equal to the action but always opposite in direction. However, some might like to put it down as follows: “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.”. Both the explanations/citations are perfectly right, and acceptable. The same goes for Pythogoras’ Theorem about Right angled triangles. For me, you must square length of all three sides, and sum the length of the two sides forming the right-angle to get the square of the length of the hypotenuse. However, verbatim: “The square of the length of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of squares of the lengths of other two sides of the right-angled triangle.” Again, neither is wrong.

Learning has several rules, some of them are Golden rules to enable effective learning:

  • Never memorise – Always try to understand the purpose of a theorem or law, and relate to something that you can understand under all situations. Try to associate with things you most vividly associate yourself with – concepts you are already familiar with. For example, you could imagine the footballer kicking a ball for Newton’s third law; the ball is in rest because the forces are in equilibrium. When the footballer exerts a force on the ball, as a reaction, the ball moves forward. As a continuation, the law of conservation of energy states that energy gets converted from one form to another; the footballer’s energy is exerted by the foot on the ball, and the ball moves forward as energy gets transferred.
  • Learn by practice – Reading creates quite good imagining powers and can stay vivid in our minds for some time. However, when you put the same into action, and execute it physically, then there is a much higher chance of it to remain in your heads forever.
  • Failure is good – When learning, failure is part of the game. When you fail in an attempt to understand a concept, never give up. Always stand back up, look back at what went wrong, and at what needs to be corrected. When you identify the course correction, and implement the measures needed, you become much better. And you know what?? When you learn from failures, you are bound to never ever forget the success. So, never fear failure, Failure is good for the system 😎
  • Share by teaching – By sharing your knowledge, you increase the idea to get embossed and embedded in your brains in a much better manner, and will stay there for much longer than it would have if you kept it for yourself. Also, what it gives you as an opportunity is to understand someone else’s idea to deconstruct the concept into a much easier block to understand.

Now, some of you might come back asking what do you do in the case of a formula 😄😎. ‘Good One.’ In case of a formula or equation, there are always underlying rules or laws that form the basis of a formula. When you start by understanding the basis for these, you can remember any formula at any time without actually memorising them. For example, Unit for Force is Newton; the other way of expressing Newton is kg.m.s-2;deconstructing it, kg is the mass, and m.s-2 is unit of acceleration; further, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, and velocity is rate of change of distance per unit time; => velocity is distance covered / time to cover distance; unit for distance is meter and unit for time is second. So Force = Mass x Acceleration. Similar logic can be applied to other complex formulae and units to deconstruct the term. It might look complicated at first, but it works every single time, including when you get stuck not knowing how to proceed further.

Memorising without trying to understand the concept could also get you into trouble. Not by making you do something wrong, but when you are probably in a spot, you could not be sure how to get yourself out of the hole. For sure, such situations arise every day in school and university during examinations, and could be arising at work. Nobody can remember 100% of things they memorise or study in school. But, one can definitely recollect small concepts that are the building blocks of the bigger building we are trying to identify.

Over time, the human mind comes across millions of concepts, and billions of incidents. As with project management, every big outcome is a agglomeration of small incidents that seem to have independently no relation with another, but have definitely an infinitesimally small connection to an outcome. Memorising will get you somewhere, whereas Understanding can get you anywhere.

And on that note,

Stay Healthy, Stay Motivated, Stay Festive, Stay Safe, and Let us keep the world moving.

In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

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Final days as a Student – Perhaps

Over the last four sections, we have slowly but surely navigated to the phase where emotions overflow, some new routes must be identified to traverse forward, skills must be sharpened, brand values must be strong, knowledge will be tested, excitement over sharepening skills further or perhaps elation over a completely independent phase that is about to follow settles in. The final stages of University is where one gets tested the most, and unlike the Transition or the University phase, the final stages (the last 18 months) are very crucial in determining how the path ahead treats one.

Freedom lay ahead

A stage that allows you to:

  • Choose how one wants the future to look like
  • Navigate it at the pace one likes
  • Decide if one wants to prolong the university student days by specialising in a favourite area/domain
  • Provide platform for others to excel

The relationships built so far, provide experiences and lessons in how to create new relationships and maintain them. Emphasis within this stage is more on demonstration of skill and testing of one’s claims/achievements for authenticity. Quite a lot of effort must be made to ensure communication skills have been well developed. However, it might seem until now that the stage is more about consolidation when it actually is about pushing forward with more thrust and energy than ever before.


Continue reading “Final days as a Student – Perhaps”

High School Teen who is aware but not afraid of taking a risk

Middle school, as we saw in the previous section is always a very interesting phase of everyone’s life. A phase that has no clear influence on the heading, but definitely paves some way into basic skills and character traits that form one’s foundations for later phases of life. You can read more about that through the link: Middle School

When a student passes out of middle school and is about to enter High-school, the nerves are slightly tickled for a couple of reasons at the least. Firstly, a growing sense of finally being a senior at school, and no longer take instructions from other students. Secondly, the overwhelming nature of the responsibilities the society puts on every individual’s performance in high-school. We often hear people saying that high-school marks will define how good a college life one can get. Enough of a rosy picture for every student to fall for. However, I think the age of elders fooling a young student in school with this quip has long passed by, and the ball is now in their court, thanks to the advancements in WWW (almost no longer www but www3 😯), and advent of Social Media in day to day lives. Not every student though is oblivious to social pressure, which is why great care must be taken to isolate the kid from any such pressure. Parents trying to isolate kids often fall into this trap themselves thanks to incentives for good performance of kids in their organisations, and events to award stand-out performances in front of other colleagues – A so called Status Symbol within the organisation.

A Unique Phase

Continue reading “High School Teen who is aware but not afraid of taking a risk”

Inspired, Inspire, Inspiring

Where do I start?

Why did I start writing?

Did someone ask me to write in a particular way?

How is someone influenced to act in a particular way?

Questions, a quintessential part of every living organism’s everyday survival routine. Over time, especially when one’s actions become repetetive and redundant, one tends towards searching for a new adventure. Carnivores start exploring new methods for capturing prey, prey try to outrun in new ways to avoid being captured, herbivores explore new territory across all seasons to stay in the optimal environment, and we human beings start to question to trigger the learning part of our brains.

When we are small kids, questions form an integral part of our everyday lives, as we come across a new phenomena, a new character, a new action, a new object, a new procedure, a new new almost with every interaction. As we grow older, due to societal obligations, and due to our own interpretation of the societal obligations, we tend towards questioning less and accepting things as they are. When we start closing our inquisitive character, we narrow the opening to learning new things, and are content with content that is already inside our brains. Over time, the world evolves around us, rendering us to become antiques that have huge value, but of little use in the current day and age.


An antique, however unique and valuable the antique might be, the usability quotient is still from the age of the antique. Some might argue that the chalices from the age of Napoleon Bonaparte or Akbar would still function the same way. Yes, sure, they would be helpful to serve a portion of wine or a herbal concoction to guests in a royal way. However, in today’s world, whilst looking for sophistication, we have done away with most of the older ways of keeping the vessels fresh. We now depend on a variety of dishwashing methods to rejuvenate our everyday vessels. A chalice from the Napoleon or Akbar era would not stand a chance going through the modern dishwashing methods that are automated. When we try to wash them manually, we still must take enough care and extreme caution so as to not damage the chalice, as there is not much chance that we can land a replacement in case of damage. Also, when we hold such a unique chalice, higher chances are that we hold the chalice because of the high monetary and high historic value of the chalice than due to its use in our world.

To stay relevant, adapting our methods to the modern day routines definitely helps us stay relevant. However, to stay relevant also in our own individual worlds that we built up over time (the close circle bubble that we have concocted carefully by adding ingredients [relatives, friends, associates, colleagues, supporters, followers]) we also need to adapt and ask questions. Questions about how to adapt the particular change in a way that it causes minimal disruption to our immediate environment. When we get inspired by someone’s success or by some particular idealogy, it does not necessarily fit directly into our highly indigineous, individualised sub-worlds. Inspirations no matter how good they seem to be need adaptations. Questions and answers gathered over time for these essential questions will determine how well WE adapt into the new version of the world we have envisioned based on inspirations.

As Charles Darwin wrote, “One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.

Human belief is that, when sharing that they have been inspired, the magitude of their achievements deteriorate. Due to this ignorance, we often fail to be grateful to those that have inspired. Also, while being in a position of inspiring others, we tend towards looking for appreciation. The law of Karma, and law of recirpricity states clearly, “What you give, You will receive.”

Every human being upon deeper cognizance can recognise that everyone can be present in all three phases of history, current affairs and the future by doing the following:

Be Impartially gratefully inspired.

Inspire respectfully.

Be indefinitely unconditionally inspiring.


Sanjeev Bhushan

And on that note,

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Motivated, Keep Inspiring, and Let us keep the world moving.

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In case you were able to relate to the post & it helped you improve, it is a token of happiness for us. Do go through our other articles which might help you further:

Differences make a difference

Trust that you and your loved ones are doing well, healthy.

Let us start with a small flurry of questions that include some self-reflection, and relaxation exercises!

  • How do you feel right now?
    • Think of only the present hour and maybe a few minutes before.
  • Sit down in a quiet place where nobody is going to disturb you for some time, Start a stop-clock, Close your eyes, and think of the following:
Continue reading “Differences make a difference”

Lights…. Camera….. Action….

The phrase mentioned on the title might be familiar to those of you associated/familiar with following cinema/films/movies. There is always a sequence followed before enacting a scene of a film/drama captured on video. Even in a live play, the sequence is quite similar along with the lifting of the curtains.

You might already be wondering, why we are talking about acting & drama, & what relevance it holds with respect to our everyday activities/work.

In reality, many aspects apply from the silver screen into real life.

Let us suppose you are executing a deliverable for a project, what would be your expectation?

Continue reading “Lights…. Camera….. Action….”

Going Down is Going Up

Trust that you and your loved ones are staying healthy and doing well.

When the first attempt to change something took place, what was the result?

Nobody knows what exactly was the first result. However, ever since lifeforms started to evolve on Planet Earth, there have been always two major categories for any effort or action:



Continue reading “Going Down is Going Up”

Simple Lessons from Tom & Jerry

Trust that all of you are staying healthy and safe along with your loved ones. Please exercise caution, and precaution amidst growing concerns of CoVid as well as a new MonkeyPox virus.

How many of us have grown up watching Tom & Jerry?

Almost all of us in some capacity, I would hope. I request you to just recollect some favourite episodes, moments, comical scenes from the show.

What can we learn from a cartoon originally made for kids?

Continue reading “Simple Lessons from Tom & Jerry”

Down the drain | Brain-drain

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends. As the governments across the world ease restrictions that were brought in two years ago for containing the spread of CoVid, the world is not yet free of the infection. As we move towards the supposed fourth wave, do continue to follow safety protocols whenever possible, and maintain own discretion for masks/social distancing/hand hygiene.

Today, we try to get to analyse a part of our living space that seldom gets noticed, and yet carries so much importance.

What is the purpose of a drain?

A drain is basically serving the purpose of processing used fluids, and transferring them into a safe storage area where the toxic solution can be removed periodically. Sieves might be used to filter out bigger particles before the drain.

Continue reading “Down the drain | Brain-drain”

Speed vs Velocity

Trust that you are doing well, and staying healthy along with your families/friends. As the governments across the world ease restrictions that were brought in two years ago for containing the spread of CoVid, the world is not yet free of the infection. Do follow safety protocols whenever possible, and maintain own discretion for masks/social distancing/hand hygiene.

Have you been asked the following question at any stage of your life?

         Why are you running around like a headless chicken?

If yes, then, you are right where you should be to understand this article. If no, then either there has been nobody open enough to ask you this question or you are the most perfect human being to have graced the face of Planet Earth, and possibly the Milky Way Galaxy itself in a bigger picture.

Now, why does the analogy with the headless chicken come into play?

Continue reading “Speed vs Velocity”

Fly High, Fly Low

Trust that your family, friends, near-dear, and you are staying healthy amidst this growing virus threats that seem to be never-ending. Let us all follow all safety precautions with utmost sincerity & increase the chances of staying healthy.

How many of us have gazed at the open sky and seen hawks/eagles soaring high up in the sky?

I assume the majority of us have done it. So, what does a hawk or eagle have to do with today’s concept?

A lot, and along with two of SanKom Mind Spa’s earlier articles on Zoom-in, Zoom-out, Focus…. & Comfortable Challenge & Maintenance make the case quite strong. Let me start to break it down into smaller segments for better understanding.

Continue reading “Fly High, Fly Low”

Start Meesic – Happy New Year 2022

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu all of a sudden, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families. And as we near usual party time in all cities, trust that you will have you best thinking hat on before being part of large social gathering.

Just as I mentioned party, what is an integral part of parties?




Yes, Music. Some nice foot-tapping music is key to any good party along with enjoyable company.

Now, coming to creation of music, how does a music director compose music?

Continue reading “Start Meesic – Happy New Year 2022”


Trust that as approach the first festival wave in India near to Christmas & New Year, your dear ones along with you are staying safe. Please follow all safety precautions and keep social distancing along with Masking/Hand Hygiene at the top of your priorities.

Caution and precaution are key.

How many times have we made use of a soap?

Redundant question. Am sure all of us have made use of a soap almost every other hour in one form or another. So, what is the purpose of a soap? Have I gone mad asking these questions? Am I leading towards protecting yourselves from CoVid? No, not even close.

Continue reading “SOAP”

Time to move on

Photo by Danny Doneo from Pexels

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. With heavy rains lashing out in Chennai & coastal districts of TamilNadu for last couple of days, affecting normal life. Trust that the heavy rains or the consequential damages did not affect you & your families.

I would request you to ask yourselves a few crucial questions & answer it honestly. Move forward to next question only if you answer a yes to the question at hand:

  • Is facing a particular person very challenging in personal life or at work?
  • Does their presence create a negative aura around us?
  • Do we allow our mental state be affected by interacting with this person?

If your answer to the above questions were yes, yes and yes, then you need to find ways to avoid this toxic environment.

You can decide to read on or listen to the podcast:


Apple Podcasts

Continue reading “Time to move on”

e=mc^2 – Relatively nothing about Einstein

Trust that as you read this article, you and your loved ones are in good health, and enjoying life amidst the new normal. A lot is going on in India, with Dussehra happening, and coming to a conclusion before we head frantically into the grandest festival across India, Deepavali in a couple of weeks from now. Do continue to practice all safety protocols, along with personal judgement over participation in huge gatherings.

Let us consider a small event that happens in everyone’s lives, albeit some of us notice it, and others do not. Imagine you are preparing a cup of coffee/tea/drink for yourself/someone, and take a scoop of sugar in a spoon. Are you sure that all the grains of sugar you picked on the spoon are transferred onto your cup? Not even spilling a grain, every single time? A small grain of sugar falling on the floor is not visible to the human eye on first sight. However, the same grain is immediately pounced upon within few seconds by one of the smallest yet most disciplined creatures living on planet earth – ants.

What makes the grain of sugar not visible to us, the so called, superior beings pacing along the face of the planet?

Continue reading “e=mc^2 – Relatively nothing about Einstein”

Thottaal Poo Malarum – The Touch

As you start reading through our article, we trust that you are staying healthy along with your loved ones. The only way to negate the impact of the Corona virus is by vaccination. Do get yourselves vaccinated & advocate vaccination for others. And while you do all this, follow all safety protocols.

Have you faced a situation where you have felt that you once did the task better & with ease, but couldn’t execute it with the same ease?

Continue reading “Thottaal Poo Malarum – The Touch”

Ganapati Bappa Moriya – Leadership lessons from Lord Ganesha

Hope that you are staying healthy & safe, and have got vaccinated against the Corona Virus.

Today, as we slowly try to regain consciousness after a lazy, yummy, sumptuous food filled Ganesh/Vinayagar Chaturthi, we try to gather some lessons we could learn out of Lord Ganesha.

Continue reading “Ganapati Bappa Moriya – Leadership lessons from Lord Ganesha”